

I have a couple of questions!! If you were going to start a business, what would be the most important step to creating a successful one? Once that business is created what steps would you take to help that business grow and prosper? Finally, what steps are needed to protect the profits/proceeds coming in from your business?

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when entering the sports gambling world is not having a plan, goals, or being unrealistic as to what is reasonable for them to achieve.  Below you will see the strategy that we try to implement with all of our clients.

Steps for success in sports betting

  • Establish a reliable place to make your plays. This is important because you want to be able to trust who/where you are putting your hard-earned dollar with.  As you risk with whichever outlet you have chosen, you want to be assured that you will be able to reap the rewards of taking that risk with them.
  • Establish a realistic bankroll (this should be money you could afford to lose). Obviously, our goal is not to lose money, but your bankroll should consist of expendable income.  DO NOT TAKE BILL, RENT OR MORTGAGE MONEY to bet with!!!!!
  • This is where you should develop a money management strategy that correlates to your bankroll. We have a standard money management system laid out below as an example.
  • Whether you are in the + or – for a particular week it is imperative to utilize the developed money management through and through. Do not deviate from it. That is how people lose more than they can afford to.  By sticking to your money plan you can protect your profits and limit your risk.  The formula is simple

Reliable betting outlet + Realistic bankroll + money management plan + patience/discipline =


MONEY MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE:  Let us assume in this example that player (x) has a bankroll of $1000.  With our firm, you will never ever be encouraged to bet more than a max of 25% of your bankroll on any one game.

Starting bankroll $1000

If you were advised to bet Knicks -4 for 20% of the bankroll. If this game was to win now your bankroll increases to $1200.  So if we advised betting 20% of your bankroll on game #2 then you would bet (risk) $240.  If this game (1) were to lose then your original bankroll would be $780 which means if you were advised to bet the same 20% on game 2 your bet amount (risk) would be $156.


As a player it is important to know when to play and when to lay-off.  There are so many hidden pointers inside the Vegas line that the Las Vegas odds makers give to us.  Most of us don’t even realize what the line on a game is actually telling us.  The most common explanation I have heard people say to me over my 20 years’ experience doing this is “if the line goes up that means the public is betting that side. “ While, that may be correct to a certain extent.  A line movement could indicate a variety of things.  A few examples of these are trap games, this is where the casino might have an unranked team laying points to a ranked team.  Not all the time, but sometimes they begging you to take the obvious.  There’s what’s called a reverse line movement. This indicates the public betting one side of a game very heavy and the line moves in the opposite direction.

By allowing our company to educate you on the “in’s and out’s” of what Las Vegas is trying to accomplish every time they set a line.  It will increase your winning percentage and profit margin significantly.

Ladies, and gentlemen, it does not matter to me if you are a small player or a heavy hitter.  The fact is when you make a play, it is assumed that you are doing so with your “hard earned dollar”.  Whether, you do this for fun or as an investment, I have never met a person who tells me they do this because they want to lose money.  Give yourself the best chance to succeed with a company who is averaging around 68%-71% winning percentage every year on an annual basis.

Just as any investment that is made. It is important to have knowledge and an education about what you’re doing and why it makes sense to do it.  Whether you have been wagering on sports for years, months, weeks or days.  There is so much information that goes into a released play by our firm where the risk/reward is taken into consideration.

Please note that Dan Poole, cityexecutives, playsbypayday, and Betpros LLC are not liable for any losses incurred.
It is the player's responsibility to be responsible and the buyer understands that the information being provided is for entertainment purposes only.
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